
2024.05.17 Product exhibition at ANEX2024(Asia Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference) held from May 22 to 24.(Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1)
Particle Filter, High Efficiency Filter, Activated Carbon Filter known as NEOFIL®, <br> one of SXI's filter brands, were on display during the exhibition. magnifier
SXI staff is giving more details about the difference between former Activated Carbon Filter <br> and recently upgraded one. magnifier
2024.03.01 Started web sales of SXI products and Shinwa Group products
2023.02.01 Introduction of prototype machine for development of activated carbon laminated nonwoven fabric
2019.05.01 Product exhibition at ANDTEX2019 held on May 15 to 17. (Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre)
2019.04.16 Chief executive officer.of SXI on Local TV News
2019.04.01 Product exhibition at BIAME2019 held on April 22 to 24. (Beijing International Exhibition Center)

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Shandong Xingao Industry Co.,Ltd.

No. 51 Taibei Road, Caomiaozi Town, Lingang Economic Technological Development District,
Weihai, Shandong, China.
Tel: +86-631-558-0088 Fax: +86-631-558-0089